CASE 1    |    Sierra Burnes

CASE 2    |    Shirley Carter

CASE 3    |    Bradley Leonard (Butch) Sampson

CASE 4    |    Henry and Ertha Williams

CASE 5    |    Sherman (Red) Yoder

CASE 6    |    Charles Robert (Chip) Jones


CASE 8    |   Mrs. Millie Larsen

CASE 9    |    Ms. Julia Morales

CASE 10    |    Miss Patricia Verloren

CASE 11    |    Abel 

CASE 12    |    Heddy

CASE 13    |    NAME

CASE 14    |    NAME

CASE 15    |    NAME

CASE 16    |    NAME

CASE 17    |    NAME

Facilitator Guide



The role of the facilitator is simply to allow the participants the opportunity to share their views and opinions.   


This case was designed to facilitate conversation between many health profession students.  It is important that you thoroughly review this case prior to the event. 

You may not be an expert in what the VIPE case is covering. Do not stress that you may not know anything about the content!    

Your role is to listen and facilitate. Avoid getting too involved in the conversation.  Avoid getting drawn too far into the clinical management of the case.  

This is not a teaching session.  You are not expected to teach in sessions.  If there is input that you would like to add, you may.    


The purpose of VIPE is to allow the students to interact and share information amongst themselves.  The session is only one hour long, so if the point being discussed focuses only on a few students or professions,  you may need to stop that discussion and introduce another topic so that all students may participate. 


 If the group is quiet: offer helpful questions to help probe them. If a student is quiet, please call on them. 




How to Facilitate the Discussion 


Please start off by introducing yourself to the students. 


Ask each student to identify themself & identify their own profession.  In Zoom, you can change your name to reflect your name and profession.  


Have your  group nominate one student to take notes and act as the speaker to report out about the  group to the larger group after meeting in small groups is completed.  


The case was introduced by a short video, if you’d like, you can begin the group discussion by referring to some aspect of the video.  


If a student asks you a question, please feel free to pose the question right back to them.  Ask them what they think or reflect the question back to the group.    


To end the discussion and prepare for return to the large group, ask students to reflect on their own experience of working together as a team in discussing the care of this patient and her family. 



Break-Out Questions for Facilitators 


You do not have to cover all of the facilitator questions  that are listed below.  


General Questions: 

  • Briefly describe your role in caring for this patient and family. 

  • What professionals do you need to collaborate with to provide optimal care? 

  • In what ways would an interdisciplinary approach to care benefit the patient? 

  • What do you think gets in the way of or are barriers to communicating with other professions? 

  • What key symptoms did the patient experience? 


Social Emotional Issues: 

  • Identify emotions that the patient may be experiencing. How can the health professionals support the patient? 

  • Identify emotional concerns that the patient’s children or parents may be feeling.  How can the health professionals support the children and parents? 

  • Identify some key social issues that are affecting the patient. 


Medical Concerns 

  • Who should be members of her medical team and what are their roles? 

  • What are the long-term consequences for the patient if proper management is not  accomplished? 

    • What are the long term consequences for the children if proper management is not accomplished? 

  • The client is a diabetic who does not monitor her own glucose.  How could you work as a team to come up with a diabetic care plan? 

  • How does this information inform the plan of care? 

  • What deficit might the patient exhibit after this medical problem? 

  • Who will be conducting an evaluation at this point? 


Family/Community/Cultural Involvement 

  • How much input/involvement does/should the patient/family have at this time? 

  • What are family concerns for discharge? 

  • What cultural or individual differences need to be considered for this patient? 



  • What professionals will be involved in her care after discharge? 

  • What are her rehabilitation needs? 

  • What are the patient education needs for the patient and family? 

  • It was recommended that Patricia make lifestyle, physical activity, and nutritional changes.  When a client is struggling financially and emotionally, how do we assist her in making the lifestyle, physical, and nutritional changes?  What support would she need? 

    • What strengths does the client have?  How can you maximize the impact of these strengths to assist her in the lifestyles, physical, and nutritional changes that she needs to make? 






  1. Ask further about the signs and symptoms of depression to assess the extent, and whether the need for medication is indicated 

  2. How did the sexual abuse impact on her and how did she cope 

  3. What is the nature of her relationship with her son ( so as to explore the possible triggers to this abusive relationship) 


Social Development 

  1. Describe your relationship with your children/parents/partner? 

  2. Which relationship is most supportive/strained? 

  3. How do you cope on a daily basis? 


Medical Laboratory Sciences 

  1. Name the sexually transmitted disease and the bacterium responsible for causing the disease that may be indicated by a positive RPR test.  
    Syphilis*, Treponema pallidum* 

  2. The RPR test is a non-specific test that may be positive or reactive in a number of conditions. However the patient history support the sexually transmitted disease referred to in question 1. Name a specific confirmatory test that can be done in the laboratory to confirm the sexually transmitted disease. 

  • FTA-ABS  (Fluorescent Treponemal Ab. Absorption)  

  • TPHA(Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Assay) 


  1. There are 5 stages associated with untreated syphilis (see below). Complete 2 – 3 characteristic signs and or symptoms for the respective syphilis stages indicated below. 

  • Primary syphilis is characterized  Primary* painless chancre at site of infection* that disappears  

Secondary syphilis is characterized by a widespread rash, lesions, headache, fever etc. 

Latent syphilis is the dormant stage that is characterized by no specific symptoms 

Tertiary syphilis is characterized tertiary* gummas, neurosyphilis, cardiovascular  

Congenital syphilis is transmitted to a fetus and is similar to tertiary syphilis.  


Human Movement Sciences 

  1.  Identify modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors  

  2. Identify physical activity and lifestyle amendment strategies in dealing with modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors 

  3. Identify vitals for profiling the patient and indicate their cardiac disease risk stratification.  

  4. Indicate the patient’s stratification in terms of BMI 

  5. List and categorize the patients ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living) 

  6. Perform an ergological assessment on the patient in preparation for physical activity and habitual physical activity initiation 

  7. Identify an interdisciplinary referral team  


Undergraduate Nursing 

  1. What type of wound care are we rendering at present as it is not giving us a positive outcome – maybe we need to change type of product / frequency etc. 

  2. How is the patient currently caring for her wound, vaginal infection etc (To establish alternative therapies that are being used which could aggravate the situation). 

  3. What does her daily diet consist of so that we can assist with advice to not only better control her HGT, but get her more active. 

  4. Establish the patient’s understanding of her conditions and symptoms as often non-compliance stems from not understanding. 

  5. List all the health concerns that need to be addressed during the pregnancy? 

  6. Discuss all the possible risks that both the mother and foetus are facing. 

  7. Devise a midwifery plan to manage this woman during antenatal, labour and po